The Evolution of Online Therapy

Online therapy, or telehealth, has increased in popularity and necessity in recent years since the pandemic. And it appears to be something that will stay. It could be that if there was a good thing that came from the pandemic, the increase in telehealth services would be one of them.

It is common to have a Zoom meeting with someone now when it was once assumed all meetings needed to be in person to be effective. I think living via video for a long time showed us that there are both good and bad things about telehealth sessions. At Gray Horse Counseling our highly skilled team of therapists offer online therapy services for your convenience.

So why would you want to do telehealth sessions?

That is a great question. There are many pros to using online therapy to manage your mental health. Let’s look at a few of them.

Pros of Telehealth or Online Therapy in Virginia:


It opens up many more locations for online therapy in Virginia for you.  If you live in Manakin Sabot and find a therapist in Chincoteague, Charlottesville, Leesburg, Norfolk, or Roanoke, online therapy allows you to meet with a therapist regardless of distance.  If you live in Virginia and your therapist is licensed in Virginia, you can meet from anywhere in the state in the virtual world.


You could meet during a lunch break at work or during nap time for your children and not have to leave work or home.  All you need is your computer and good internet service! That is it, easy and simple.

PrivateJack Russell terrier working happily on the compuiter. There are many good things about online therapy in virginia such as accessibility and convenience. Learn more here.

You do not have to come to the office and deal with meeting people. Also, won’t have to explain why you need to leave work.  You can simply meet with your online therapist from your house or office. Anywhere you are comfortable and have privacy will work.


Research has shown that telehealth is as effective as in-person therapy. The relationship you can build with a person over the video is different; however, it is intimate and fosters a therapeutic relationship.  This is very important for effective therapy.


If you have difficulty getting in and out of buildings or cars or have transportation issues for any reason, telehealth is well suited for you. It can allow you to continue to attend sessions without interruption or start sessions for the first time regardless of accessibility needs.

You will need to be aware of a few negatives before deciding to start telehealth.

Cons of Online Therapy:

No crisis management

If you are in a crisis, you must go to a hospital or the nearest emergency facility.  Telehealth is not meant to handle a crisis which is essential to remember.

Some problems can’t be handled through telehealth

This goes back to the crisis. Sometimes we need to meet with a person face to face. Some people simply do better with in-person therapy. There is nothing wrong with this. It is a good thing to know that about yourself.

Subtle body language is lost

Communication is critical in therapy. And 80% of our communication is body language. This can be missed in the video because we cannot see the whole person and everything that is going on.

Poor Internet

Unfortunately, here in Virginia, large sections of the state do not have high-speed internet and therefore have poor internet access. This will make the video speed slow and the quality low. Sadly, this can make sessions frustrating, and the ability to continue low.

Please Take Note

If, after meeting with your therapist a couple of times, you think you would like to meet in person. Or you would like to meet with a different therapist, let your therapist know.   Either of these situations is perfectly acceptable. If you decide to go with online therapy, please take note of just a couple of requests about basic behavior for online treatment.

Individual sitting outside alone participating in an online therapy session. If you struggle to find time for yourself and are feeling overwhelmed with anxiety or depression, online therapy in Virginia can meet you where you are! Learn more here. Do’s and Don’ts of Online Therapy

Do not drive while having therapy

While sitting in your car for privacy may be acceptable, driving during therapy can be a dangerous distraction. Always be safe!

Do not shop while having a therapy session

It is not private. It will not be helpful to you or your therapist.  If you need to go shopping, please do it before or after your session.

Do not take your therapist to the restroom

This is entirely inappropriate.  Just leave the computer phone tablet on the table and come back. We will wait happily!!

Do not multitask during your session

Sometimes it’s hard to just sit and not do anything but focus on yourself. If you find you are trying to watch kids, fold clothes, and do the dishes during your session, you should think about rescheduling.  Therapy is a time to focus on yourself and your own self-care. So treat it as such.

Do be courteous

Tell your therapist ahead of time if you cannot make a session and be prompt.  Yours and the therapist’s time is valuable, so you want to get as much as possible out of each session.  Being committed to attending is essential to achieving the change you wish to see in your life.

Therapy is a Long-Term Commitment

According to websters dictionary, therapy is a process that is a systematic series of actions directed to an end.  You need to understand that if you are looking for a change in yourself this will take some time.  So, you need to make sure you have a good connection with your therapist and a good relationship with the internet. If you do, anything is possible.

Please connect with me if you are interested in starting the journey to a better one.

Ready to Start Online Therapy in Virginia?

The help you’re looking for is here. Self-care is important in today’s stress-filled world. With guidance from our skilled therapist, you can begin the journey of caring for yourself and your mental health. Healing is just around the corner! Start the process now with therapy from my Powhatan, VA-based counseling practice with these three easy steps:

  1. Get connected and schedule a free consultation call
  2. Start sessions with a caring online therapist
  3. Begin your counseling journey and grow into your best self

Other Services at Gray Horse Counseling

Online therapy is not the only service we offer at our Powhatan, VA-located therapy practice. Our other services at Gray Horse Counseling include individual therapy, group therapy, equine-assisted psychotherapy & learning, and equine sports. Further, we offer clinical supervision to counseling professionals in a school or looking to broaden their knowledge. Our specialties also include anxiety and depression, as well as healing from trauma. Learn more about us by checking out our FAQs, and reading more about us. Then, contact us to get the help you deserve!