A close-up of book pages folded in the shape of a heart. Learn how an equine therapist in Virginia can offer support this Valentine’s Day by searching for therapy for self-esteem in Virginia. Search for depression treatment in Powhatan, VA.

Navigating Negative Feelings Around Valentine’s Day

Navigating Negative Feelings Around Valentine’s Day

The shortest month of the year has at least two big holidays to celebrate.  So what are they? Well, Groundhog Day is first, which gives us something to look forward to: Will the designated groundhog in Pennsylvania see his shadow and bring us six more weeks of winter,...
The Benefits of Mindfulness for Horse Riders & Non-Riders

The Benefits of Mindfulness for Horse Riders & Non-Riders

It is now a new year and with the new year, the thoughts about what we want to change or do differently over the next year are at the forefront of our mind.  It’s a time to start over and do something differently or do something better.  It is a one-time when...
The Relationship Between Life Transitions and Grief

The Relationship Between Life Transitions and Grief

The only way to make sense of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.  Allan Watts  Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.  George Bernard Shaw Change is Equal to Transition Changes...
Fixed Mindset Vs. Growth Mindset

Fixed Mindset Vs. Growth Mindset

Well, it is football season, and whether you are a fan or not, you have probably heard about Deon Sanders being the coach of Colorado football.  You may have even heard about his early success with the team and then two losses to teams.  You may have listened to what...
Confidence is Key

Confidence is Key

“The most important day is deciding whether you are good enough for yourself. It is the day you set yourself free.” – Brittany Josephina How many times a day do we compare ourselves to others?  Thinking things like, “She has better hair.”, “He has a better...
Tips for Mindfulness and Change from a Virginia Therapist

Tips for Mindfulness and Change from a Virginia Therapist

So, we all want to do things better. We all say we are going to do things differently this time. Or, we are going to create new habits and new ways of doing things. Then, it does not happen! Or, we make an excuse to not do it differently. We say we can not change. We...