Today is a new day…
Capture the life you want.
Individual Counseling in Manakin Sabot, VA and Equine-Assisted Therapy in Powhatan, VA &
I can’t do anything right.
I know the rejection is coming… any minute.
Now see, you idiot; made another fool of yourself, didn’t you?
I try too hard…I do not try hard enough… what is wrong with me?
I cannot even get ‘me’ right.
Why would anyone really be interested in me?
I’m too tall… too ugly… my hair is awful… my feet stick out like a sore thumb… I have breakouts and acne scars.
On top of that, I make silly mistakes. Not just sometimes, but all the time. I ask the wrong question.
I shouldn’t have agreed to this date. I’m twisting in my chair, trying to push my feet under the chair.

I want to think better of myself.
I’m so uncoordinated and clumsy.
The “friends” I do have call me “Grace.” I gave myself that name before anyone could come up with something to call me. You know the adage if you can’t beat them, join them.
I want to think that I am ok – that I am worth something.
Over the years, I trained myself never to share my problems.
I couldn’t let anyone into my private world. I am afraid to let anyone into my world. Too afraid of what others will say or do.
Keeping everything bottled up is so extremely hard. There are times I let little pieces slip.
The pressure from keeping it inside feels like the moment before the gate swings open for a bull rider. The bull knows it will open, and you know it will open, and you wait… hoping you can hang on for 8 seconds, which will feel like eight years or maybe 80 years or 800 years.

But it’s making me miserable keeping everything bottled inside.
There’s no way to hide except be quiet. If I’m quiet, I can disappear into this chair, and this date will be over. Then I can go home, be alone, and really let the disappointment appear.
For a long time, I have thought something should be different.
Something could be different.
I don’t want to keep living life this way.

Never give up on the life you want.
Things can change, and life can be different.
Change can be a shock to your system. But that shock is a good thing! It helps create lasting transformation for your life.
It feels safe and comfortable to live in a routine. We don’t have to worry about rejection, failure, or disappointment. We go through the motions of life and live without ever challenging ourselves to develop and do the things we really want.
But is routine holding you back from living the life you want?
Today is a new day.
You don’t have to repeat the cycles of nonstop overthinking or hating the person you see when you look in the mirror.
You deserve to surround yourself with friends who care about you and want to laugh with you and help build your dreams.
Today is the day you stop carrying the burdens of your challenges alone.

Hi, I’m Courtenay.
“Today is another chance, and it’s never too late.”
I’ve always held those words close.
To some people, this thought is just words strung together like beads to make a pretty necklace. To me, they were life-giving thoughts that saved my life and sanity so many times.
Just the belief that every day was new and might be better.
It is often hard to find the beauty in the world or the light in the dark, but the sun will rise. If we work together, we can find a way to make it better.
It is often as simple as a change in perspective of a situation, using humor, or bringing curiosity to a situation.
What I Offer

I will walk this journey with you.
This road to changing your life isn’t one you must take alone.
Go ahead. Schedule the free consultation. I will listen to you. I will hear you. Change is only a call away.