Looking in the mirror, we often notice that we’ve inherited Mom’s eyes or Dad’s hair color. We can usually pinpoint which physical traits came from which side of the family. Typically, we resemble our parents or other family members, which can be...
We live in a culture where things are expected to go one way, and generally, if they do not go that way, we find ourselves wondering or thinking something is wrong with us. We have some very high expectations about how things should go. This can look like a tendency...
You are at work, and your co-worker makes a sarcastic comment about something you have done in front of others for the hundredth time. Suddenly, your friend is not speaking to you because you did not respond to a text message. Your parents are picky about everything...
I was chatting with someone the other day about the ups and downs of daily life. She asked me how long I had been a therapist, and I responded for almost 20 years ( it indeed does not seem that long, and I do not feel that young). She mentioned that she had found...
Being in a car accident, being a first responder, being in the military, and the sudden death of a loved one or child are the more easily identified traumatic events. Living through the event is the first step of many steps in recovering from a traumatic event. Not...
Have you ever thought about what your horses see? Have you ever wondered what they are looking at when they stop and seem to stare into the distance for a long time? I knew they see things differently than us; however, I did not realize how differently they see...