A man covers his head while sitting against a blank wall. This could represent the pain of past trauma that emdr therapy in Richmond, VA can help you address. Learn how trauma therapy in Richmond, VA can help by contacting a therapist for men in powhatan, va

How Trauma & PTSD Can Affect Men

How Trauma & PTSD Can Affect Men

Being in a car accident, being a first responder, being in the military, and the sudden death of a loved one or child are the more easily identified traumatic events.  Living through the event is the first step of many steps in recovering from a traumatic event.  Not...
5 Myths Around Mental Health in Men

5 Myths Around Mental Health in Men

“It’s not the appearance that makes a man, it’s the man that makes an appearance.” — Anthony Liccione You can not go back and change the beginning you can start where you are and change the ending.  — C S Lewis  If you want to fly, you have to...