The holiday season is often portrayed as the “most wonderful time of the year”—a time of celebration, togetherness, and joyful gatherings. Yet, for many, the reality of the season feels quite the opposite. Rather than a period of unbridled joy, the...
In the world of sports, mental strength is often as crucial as physical prowess. Elite athletes aren’t just defined by their strength, speed, or skill but also by their ability to maintain focus, stay motivated, and manage pressure. A critical factor...
Mental health has gained much-needed attention in recent years, with particular focus on how conditions like depression and anxiety impact daily life. When we think about mental health challenges, we often associate them with emotional distress, social withdrawal, or...
So you think you might want to see a therapist. You have been feeling down sad lack of interest lack of motivation and just kind of all around blah. So you do what most of you do is google what the symptoms mean, and it sounds like you are depressed. So then, what...
“It’s not the appearance that makes a man, it’s the man that makes an appearance.” — Anthony Liccione You can not go back and change the beginning you can start where you are and change the ending. — C S Lewis If you want to fly, you have to...
Well, it is football season, and whether you are a fan or not, you have probably heard about Deon Sanders being the coach of Colorado football. You may have even heard about his early success with the team and then two losses to teams. You may have listened to what...